(918( 732-9829 info@tulsaxa.com

What is Chi Alpha?

Chi Alpha is an international and interdenominational Christian Fellowship open to all students regardless of their background or religious affiliation.

Where does the name 'Chi Alpha' come from?

The name Chi Alpha comes from Greek, the language in which the New Testament was originally written. The Greek letters Chi and Alpha (XA), stand for the ‘Christou Apostoloi’ meaning “Christ’s Sent-ones” or “Christ Ambassadors”.

What do you do?

We provide world-class leadership training. We have a strong emphasis on developing and supporting student leaders. Chi Alpha student leaders have gone on to be influencers in business, education, ministry, entertainment, journalism, medicine, politics, and many other fields of endeavor.
We also have an emphasis on helping students increase their Biblical literacy. We do this primarily through small group Bible studies or ‘Family Groups’. These are weekly discussion groups, usually based around exploring one or more books of the Bible. Family Groups are a great place to develop deeper friendships
Finally, Chi Alpha has a tradition of helping students get life-changing, hand-on experience through service opportunities. In particular, we encourage involvement in short-terms missions projects where we serve communities and share the love of Christ around the world.

Where is Chi Alpha?

Chi Alpha is currently on over 300 campuses across the US and around the world. In Tulsa we currently are active in the TU and TCC communities.

How can I get involved?

It’s easy! You can find a Family Group that meets in your area, or come to a Chi Alpha sponsored activity on your campus. We’d love to know a little about you so we can make a connection with you! You can tell us a little about yourself and the kind of activities you might be interested in down below!