(918( 732-9829 info@tulsaxa.com

Parents and PAstors

Hello from Chi Alpha!


There are so many dreams and hopes we hold dear as we raise our children, but as we drop them off at college there is a certain level of trepidation. We have heard the stats on students falling away from their faith as they get exposed to the negative elements of campus life. The campus “happens” to these students and their great potential is replaced with deep wounds.

Despite the seeming threats that exist, the university campus can be a place where your student’s faith thrives. Believers in Chi Alpha help one another, hold each other accountable and cheer each other on in their race of faith. Our students “happen” to the campus, instead of the campus happening to them. They leave their college years equipped, not only with their baccalaureate degree, but with the tools to be ambassadors of Christ in the university the marketplace and the world.

We do this by engaging students in weekly Bible Studies, Inspiring them in large group meetings, equipping them through leadership training, and exhorting them individually and as a tribe. We can’t wait to welcome your students!

Contact us! Give us a call or send a text to (918) 324-7307 or you can send an email to info@tulsaxa.com.